Rieker Naiset Lyhytvartiset saappaat N6352-30
Holiday feeling for your feet! Go for maximum comfort and ultimate style with these black Rieker high-top sneakers for women. The traditional stitchdown construction makes the shoe particularly flexible and robust and ensures a great fit. A zipper allows for a quick and easy entry. With the cushioning and light sole with wedge heel, your feet will be pampered at every step. The high-top sneakers have a removable insole that is like holiday for your feet! The comfort width G offers sufficient freedom of movement for the toes. Sought, found!
- MateriaaliSynteettinen materiaali
- PäällysmateriaaliSynteettinen materiaali
- VäriVaaleanpunainen
- LeveysLaaja
- Pohjan materiaaliRIRICON-pohja
- Pohjallisen materiaalitekstiilit
- Irrotettava sisäpohja Kyllä
- KiinnitysVetoketju
- Koron korkeus55 mm
- Varren korkeus8
- Koot36-42