Rieker Naiset Lyhytvartiset saappaat 51550-25

Easy walking, easy living! You won't want to take off these wood brown Rieker high-top sneakers for women. The stitchdown construction makes the shoe robust and the sole particularly flexible without causing damage at the transition to the upper. In addition to the zipper, the model has an elasticated shaft edge, making it twice as easy to put it on. The shock-absorbing and light sole ensures a pleasant wearing sensation. The cover sole is also extra soft. So let's get going!

  • MateriaaliSynteettinen materiaali
  • PäällysmateriaaliSynteettinen materiaali
  • VäriRuskea
  • LeveysNormaali
  • Pohjan materiaaliRIRICON-pohja
  • Pohjallisen materiaalitekstiilit
  • KiinnitysVetoketju
  • Koron korkeus34 mm
  • Varren korkeus8
  • Koot36-42