Rieker Miehet Lyhytvartiset saappaat 10302-25
Brown is the new black! These chocolate brown Rieker lace-up boots for men made of smooth leather give your feet room to move while still keeping them secure. The shoe is constructed in the stitchdown style, which makes it particularly robust and flexible. In addition, the lacing ensures a good fit. The grippy sole convinces all along the line and the extra soft cover sole is another plus. A feel-good factor on top is the comfort width G 1/2, which offers more space in the shoe. Fashionable well-being in the style of Rieker!
- MateriaaliSileä nahka
- PäällysmateriaaliSileä nahka
- VäriRuskea
- LeveysLaaja
- Pohjan materiaaliTR-pohja
- Pohjallisen materiaalitekstiilit
- KiinnitysNyöritys
- Koron korkeus27 mm
- Varren korkeus8
- Koot40-47