Rieker Damer Støvletter 72581-54

Stylish or comfortable? Why or? These olive green Rieker slippers for women are the perfect companion for any occasion. The traditional stitchdown construction makes the shoe particularly flexible and robust and ensures a great fit. The zipper makes it easy to put on and take off the shoe. The colourful details gives the shoe that certain something. The sole is both light and shock-absorbing, offering a double sense of well-being at every step. In addition, the extra soft cover sole provides an extra portion of comfort. So let's get going!

  • MaterialeSyntetisk
  • YdermaterialeSyntetisk
  • FarveGrøn
  • BreddeNormal vidde
  • SålematerialeRIRICON-sål
  • DæksålTekstil
  • LukningLynlås
  • Hælhøjde27 mm
  • Skaftehøjde9
  • Størrelse36-42